Cosmic carnage stage may be available in near future. This seasons portraits updates will include blackmask, nova, sinister syndicate and a Clayface template to name a few. These files will be the only updated files on this website due to lack of a filefactory premium account. 1000 char&stages with active x360ce controller support specifically designed for windows 7 with dpad function here. * Some 2018 Updates - Just revisiting site after DC&Marvel release of A-E screenpack + (sound/stages), F-N, O-Z. All Ready n' playable for mugen.ĩ/2016 Update: debugged Shocker, Havok, Humantorch, Logan, Ironfist, Powergirl&Caliban. Finished Amazo, Modok, Black Panther, Abomination, Red Tornado, Non, Taskmaster, Blue Beetle, Raven, Doctor Strange, Dr Fate and others for code error checking. Play hard to find chars like Tomar tu, Fire, Cir-el, Shadowcat, Forge & Deathstroke with new portraits. 1.15.16 Update! Get ready, a 40+ character and stage add on, all checked.Latest file links will be up posted here with F-N & O-Z. Updates and Requests _ĩ-19 Major 1000+ DCvsM char game update (last upload on 4-28-22) for missing the spring seasonal add on this year. Gotham Square Conquest from the Stars Daily Planet Winter (link down request by creator) Rayner's lab (Cosmic Carnage coming soon!) Iron Heights stage (request only) Last minor glitchfix on 5-1-08 (5.0- Complete)