Must become an official Hunter before you can access it.ĭescription: This add-on determines the highest-ranked Main Partners from people whom you made StreePass exchanges with and powers those Partners up for you! Must become an official Hunter before you can access it.ĭescription: A mask that makes you look like Hallelujah’s partner, Chironnupu. Must become an official Hunter before you can access it.ĭescription: This is a Challenge Quest that helps you increase your Macca.

Must become an official Hunter before you can access it.ĭescription: This Challenge Quest grants you access to the "Demon Market," where you spend Macca to buy pre-trained demons. Recommended for players that have reached the Fairy Forest.ĭescription: This add-on uses the highest-ranked demons from DDS Cards acquired via StreetPass to power up the same demons in your stock. Must become an official Hunter before you can access it. Must become an official Hunter before you can access them.ĭescription: This Challenge Quest provides a means to level up quickly by gaining EXP-increasing items for your party.

Must become an official Hunter before you can access it.ĭescription: The "Peace Earring" and "Anarchy Earring" are redeemed from the eShop. The full, official list of Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse add-ons is as follows.ĭescription: Now you, too, can look like Asahi and Nozomi, thanks to these helmets! Must become an official Hunter before you can access them.ĭescription: Now you, too, can be as smug as Navarre! Must become an official Hunter before you can access it.ĭescription: A look into the events that set SMTIV: A in motion (warning: contains graphic content). A total of 25 additional items will be released, allowing players access to new customization options, lore, videos, difficulty levels, level caps, and quests. An array of both paid and free DLC will be coming to Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, with the rollout beginning the day the game launches and running for over a month after.